الجمعة، 12 نوفمبر 2010

Education technology in early childhood years

Hi Girls =)How r u ? Hope U all Fine ^^today we gonna talk about
education technology in early childhood  years
^^ enjoy !!

Early Childhood Today: Are young children's brains (ages three through six) well suited to the use of technology? (We define technology as children using cameras, computers, tape recorders and video cameras in classroom projects.) If so, how? Are some forms of technology better than others for these specific age levels?
I see technology doing the same things today. The brain clearly could not have a "genetics" specific for the use of a joystick. Nor could the brain have a genetics specific for continuous attention to a two-dimensional moving image such as those in the television. Yet external symbolic representation such as the written word, visual images on television, and complex three-dimensional videography are all sensed, processed, stored, and acted on by the human brain. Because the brain literally changes in response to experiences, these "new" (from a historical perspective) experiences (the written word or television) cause changes in brain development, brain organization, and brain function that were never expressed hundreds of generations ago.
Modern technologies are very powerful because they rely on one of the most powerful genetic biases we do have — the preference for visually presented information. The human brain has a tremendous bias for visually presented information. Television, movies, videos, and most computer programs are very visually oriented and therefore attract and maintain the attention of young children.
The problem with this is that many of the modern technologies are very passive. Because of this they do not provide children with the quality and quantity of crucial emotional, social, cognitive, or physical experiences they require when they are young. The developing child requires the right combination of these experiences at the right times during development in order to develop optimally. This cannot happen if the child is sitting for hours passively watching television.

This is a video about education technology =)

This is a video about the smartbord explain how is the education technology helpful in education

some of links explain the education technology
LAMYA Almegren

Most experts believe computers are not developmentally appropriate for children under the age of three. Others believe that children of three years old and older can begin to use computers and get benefit from them . Children at an early age are naturally curious . They like exploring world around them . They are interested in using newly things . they are also active . To evaluate whether computers are appropriate for children over age three , we need to know the needs of these children .They need frequent changes in learning modalities , they need variety of physical play , claiming &sports . Many of these needs match up well with appropriate use of technology in classroom , The danger, however, is that computers will be used only to reinforce the national trend toward earlier and more academic skill acquisition, and that other important developmental needs will be ignored. Further, there is a danger that developmental needs not met through technology will be ignored or radically compromised: physical play, outdoor exploration of the community and of nature; art, music and dance; learning specific social skills and moral values, and experiencing diversity in a myriad of ways. Some also believe the easy access of information through computers will prevent our children from developing the persistence, ingenuity, tenacity, social adeptness and hard work needed to survive in the world .These are all realistic fears, based on the pressure of politicians and most parents, and the ever-present reality of very limited resources in most early childhood programs and elementary schools. And, finally, there is the reality that, all too often, computers are used in ways that are simply developmentally inappropriate - most often used for drill and practice purposes. So, how can we implement computers into the curriculum in a positive way?This is a video about Technology Integration in an Elementary School Classroom
This is a video about Technology enhanced classroom

some of links explain the education technology

Hello all
How are you?Thank you, dear Lamia, share your opinion in your words, but not all technology should be made available to our children, there are good and others good, modern technologies are very powerful because they rely on one of the most powerful genetic biases Us - preference information presented visually.There are a variety of methods of education according to the changed perception of the nature of the learning process after that was based on the simple things widened to include the knowledge levels of cognitive abilities, which requires a positive learner education in order to demonstrate the capabilities of prospective students of modern and upgrading of traditional methods of education in line with contemporary life, and therefore Many theories have emerged to assist the breeding of many acquisition of social skills and mental and motor function of the teacher talk according to the methods of the present opportunity for learners to gain knowledge about Thimcilvis
This video clip shows a good use of technology

Here is a picture to show that children have a desire access to the technology

Afnan Al-wthlan

hi girls :)my coment :\Computers in the Classroom

In developmentally appropriate settings children make many choices regarding when and how long they use learning resources. Computers should be no different (Haugland, 2000, p. 17). Preschool and kindergarten children should first be introduced to computers one at a time, or in small groups. Every child should have an opportunity to experience ample hands-on opportunity to explore 4-5 different software programs. Once each child has had this hands-on experience, the computer center becomes one of many equally important learning centers. It should have several chairs close by, to encourage children to work together, and to encourage the more advanced students to act as peer tutors. This also develops cooperative learning activities. Teachers and other adults should resist interfering or helping the children. The maximum number allowed for the center should be determined, and a waiting list established. Children should place their name - or name tag if they can’t write - on the list.This approach cannot be implemented with only one computer in the classroom. Haugland suggests a ratio of one computer to seven students, the best situation being one to five. If there are not enough computers to go around, it’s better to have two or three in one classroom for a month or two, and then move them into another classroom, than to have one in each classroom all the time (Haugland, 1999). To fully integrate computers into the curriculum teachers should take the goals of the curriculum and find ways these can be implemented. Further, since it takes time and effort to this, it is advisable to start with one curriculum area, such as language art, or social studies, and adapt that curriculum to include computer integration, before moving one to another.The use of computers in a fully integrated classroom is endless. Software can be used to create books, with dictated tests and illustrations; photos of children and the community can be taken with digital cameras and then combined with text and pictures to create journals, biographies, wall newspapers, school/home communications, and neighborhood documents. Older children can use scanners, font selection, and various graphics application, to develop power-point presentations to show the rest of the class and parent gatherings. And, of course, Internet sites can be accessed to do research on almost all topics. There are also wonderful opportunities for correspondence activities with children throughout the world.this is a link

this is some of videos

sara alyahya
Hello girls.I want to add to this interesting add.Contribute to developing the skills of information technology and telecommunications in the early childhood years in one form or another child to develop technological skills and understanding of the evolution of teachers and parents interested in the culture of technology.The beginning I'll explain the concept of the development of technology skills in the early childhood years that help children to identify the range of products which are used for information processing, storage, retrieval, transfer, or access to and knowledge of reading and writing e is a new form of knowledge, we must accept it now on an equal footing with the arts and sciences and music.Information technology and communications and how to regulate people's access to information. So that it is sometimes considered to reading and writing as a matter of technological issues of citizenship. In the early years of life. Says Dr. Salimon: The use of information technology in the early years of life involves enhancing educational opportunities for young children and can be applied in a manner developed in order to encourage them to play exploratory, useful, and encourage them to debate and innovation, problem solving and addressing the risks and flexible thinking. And the achievement of the enjoyment of all require well-trained teachers and the necessary skills to use information and communication technology when dealing with children. And therefore the writers and educational officials and caregivers should seek to develop their skills in this area, using the most appropriate research and references.

This videos demonstrates how to use technology in education:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmhdKQ3m9d4
shatha al-sahale